Thursday, 27 October 2011

Where did football/soccer start!?

The first sign of football was in china where they used to kick a head around violently with no real rules! More evidence was in Ancient Greece and Rome around 388-311 B.C. But many people get confused with the different kinds of football. There are many. There is American football, Gaelic football, Aussie rules, rugby and soccer are just some types. People argue over where the game soccer was first started. Countries like China, Italy, Brittan and even America say that they invented the game. Well I’ll say what I think and see if you agree. In my opinion a game that had similarities to soccer was played in china but that wasn’t the game we all play today. The same goes for Greece and Italy.  But Brittin made the game most similar to what we play today so in my opinion they invented soccer or what the game is based on today.  If you think different please tell me and tell me what you think! Thank you and please follow!


  1. actually its has been found out that it was invented in scotland not england

  2. actually i thinks its england :)

  3. My apologies i have fixed it now thanks!
